Assisting Clients Nationwide

Verdicts And Settlements Obtained For Our Clients

Attorneys at the law firm of Kelley Ferraro, LLC, have recovered over $1 billion for victims of personal injury accidents and asbestos and mesothelioma claims. Our thorough preparation and skills in the courtroom help us hold companies, manufacturers and other organizations throughout the nation responsible for the harm they cause to innocent victims.

Contact us online or call us at 216.575.0777 to schedule a consultation with an experienced trial lawyer. Cases are taken on a contingency basis, which means you pay no lawyer fees unless we recover money for you. Each claim is decided on its own merits. Past results are not a guarantee of future outcomes.

Notable Case Results

$17,000,000 – Mesothelioma

A mesothelioma victim and his wife were awarded $17 million in a 2015 lawsuit against Koch Industries Inc., which is owned by Georgia-Pacific LLC, for his work as a painting supervisor for Raytheon in Saudi Arabia in the late 1970’s.

$20,000,000 – Mesothelioma

Due to exposure to asbestos fibers in her father’s clothing as a child, a mother contracted and died of peritoneal mesothelioma. In a subsequent lawsuit to hold her father’s employer, Honeywell International, Inc, responsible, her surviving husband and children were awarded more than $20 million for their losses.

$10,600,000 – Mesothelioma

A man who was exposed to asbestos at work as a Bendix brake mechanic at Honeywell International, Inc. lived only 80 days after he was diagnosed with mesothelioma. A jury awarded his widow $10.6 million on July 29, 2021.

$8,200,000 – Mesothelioma

A career electrician was diagnosed with mesothelioma nearly 40 years after his last exposure to asbestos fibers in Georgia-Pacific Ready-Mix joint compound at his job with Union Carbide Corporation. The lawsuit against Union Carbide Corporation ultimately awarded his wife and three sons $8.2 million after his death from the disease just a year later.

$1,600,000 – Mesothelioma

A victim who worked for Republic Steel and later LTV Steel for over 40 years contracted mesothelioma because of his work as a welder with asbestos-containing pipe insulation. His widow and three children were awarded $1.6 million for the wrongful death lawsuit. Pittsburgh Corning Corp., which is partly owned by PPG Industries of Pittsburgh, appealed the decision. However, the verdict was confirmed by the appeals court, and the surviving family members were compensated for their losses.

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