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When Trouble Comes, Get A Lawyer With The Experience To Protect You

Criminal matters are extremely serious and can potentially affect every aspect of your life for years to come. A conviction or an accusation of a crime can affect your family, your employment, your home, your reputation and your future.

If you have been charged with a crime in Ohio or discovered that you may be the subject of an investigation of a criminal offense, exercise your right to an attorney. Contact Kelley Ferraro, LLC, in Cleveland immediately. Our criminal defense lawyer, Carl Sullivan, is a former prosecutor with more than a decade of experience. He will use that insight to your benefit.

Our defense attorney will fight vigorously in your defense and will guide you through the process from beginning to end. We are tireless in pursuing a favorable outcome, whether that means acquittal, dismissal of a charge or reduction in sentence.

13-Plus Years Of Experience With All Criminal Case Types

Our criminal defense attorney has extensive experience handling thousands of criminal cases, ranging from low-level misdemeanors to felony murder cases. You can turn to us for help with:

No case is too difficult or complex for us.

We’re Not Afraid To Go To Trial

Here, you’ll work with a lawyer who has handled hundreds of criminal trials. You can trust that we won’t push a plea bargain just to get the case over with. We won’t hesitate to go to trial for you. At the same time, our defense attorney is a skilled negotiator who knows how the other side thinks – an incredible tool for securing favorable results through aggressive plea bargaining.

Start Building A Strong Defense Today | Free Consultation

If you’re being investigated for or have been charged with a crime, our criminal defense attorney at Kelley Ferraro, LLC, can provide you with the legal representation you need. He will use his experience and knowledge of this area of law and thoroughly analyze your case, develop a strategy to challenge the accusations and fight for you each step of the way. Call our criminal defense trial lawyer directly at 216.575.0777 or send us an email to get started.

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