Can Zantac transfer from a pregnant woman to her baby?

by | Nov 12, 2020 | Zantac Recall

Although a mother’s body filters the world around her to protect her fetus, the growing baby still has some exposure. What the mother hears, the infant hears. What she eats nourishes the child. There are some things a mother does not want to get to her child. For example, she may not want the medications she uses to reach the growing baby.

It is true that medicines may cross from the mother’s body to the baby. In many cases, this is not concerning. Mothers should discuss how this works and which medications are best in more detail with their healthcare provider. However, parents are wise to be aware of recent studies that have found that ranitidine, the popular heartburn medication often sold as Zantac, crosses from the mother to her growing infant.

Why should parents be concerned about Zantac during pregnancy?

There are currently multiple lawsuits against the manufacturer of this medication. These lawsuits claim the medication resulted in cancer. The medical study shows that although the placenta, the organ that develops within the mother to transfer and filter nutrients from the mother to the developing child, removes some of the dangerous chemicals in this medication, but it does not remove all of it.

As a result, use of Zantac by the mother likely results in exposure to the infant.

Why is Zantac dangerous?

The dangerous chemical that is part of Zantac is called N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed that long-term exposure to NDMA can cause numerous types of cancer. Massive recalls across the world have pulled all forms of ranitidine off the shelves.

What should parents do with this information?

It is always best to discuss medical concerns with your healthcare provider. It is also important to note that legal remedies may be available for those who have taken Zantac or another NDMA-containing medication during pregnancy and have a child that is later diagnosed with cancer. You can hold those who may have played a role in exposing your child to dangerous chemicals responsible for his or her illness.

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