The results of exposure to asbestos may not appear for several decades. Ohio residents exposed to this toxic substance unfortunately have to live with not knowing whether they will suffer from the rare and deadly cancer that most often results from it — mesothelioma. People may know that it exists, but they may not really know what it does to the human body.
When an individual inhales asbestos dust or fibers, they get down into the lungs’ smallest airways. The resulting irritation begins to cause damage and inflammation to the cells in the lining of the lungs, which is called pleura. The DNA of the cells mutates, and the abnormal cells multiply out-of-control. The majority of mesothelioma cases result in cancer in the lungs, but other areas of the body with a similar lining could also become cancerous just not as often.
As the cancer progresses, it can cause fluid to build up between the wall of the chest and the lungs, called the pleural space. A sufferer will most often begin experiencing shortness of breath and chest pain. Anyone exposed to asbestos who develops these symptoms may want to see a doctor as soon as possible. Even though there is no cure for mesothelioma, the sooner it is caught, the more treatment options an individual may benefit from.
Ohio residents who are exposed to asbestos may benefit from periodic medical examinations in an attempt to catch the signs of mesothelioma as early as possible. After sorting out the medical issues that go along with a diagnosis of this asbestos-related condition, a person may benefit from exploring the possible legal options for obtaining some restitution and benefits that could help with medical and other costs associated with it. This area of law is quite complex, so it would be beneficial to discuss those options with an experienced lawyer.