Car accidents can have a tragic impact on Ohio families

by | Jul 22, 2014 | Car Accidents

An afternoon auto accident involving six vehicles has affected the lives of several people in Ohio. There is no question that car accidents can have life-altering effects for those both directly and indirectly involved. This recent multi-vehicle crash has drastically changed the life of a young man who lost his family in the collision, and the lives of several others who suffered injuries as a result of the incident.

A crash in Marion that killed three people and injured several others is currently being investigated by the Ohio Highway Patrol. According to police reports, a 43-year-old male sideswiped a vehicle at a local intersection and continued forward, striking four additional cars. A father and mother along with their daughter were killed in the crash, leaving behind a son who was not in the vehicle at the time of the accident. Seven others, including adults and children, were injured.

At this time, charges have not been filed against the driver deemed responsible for the accident. Investigators do not believe drugs and/or alcohol were contributing factors. A final report should include investigative findings on the accident and will hopefully provide answers to the victims and their families.

Multi-vehicle car accidents like this are truly tragic. Those affected by this crash, either through the loss of loved ones or injuries suffered, retain the right to pursue legal action against the driver considered responsible. Civil claims, such as wrongful death and personal injury claims, may be filed in an Ohio court. If liability is established against the individual deemed responsible, financial compensation for the specific damages claimed in each case may be granted.

Source:, “Crash victims remembered as close-knit family”, Michelle Rotuno-Johnson and Nick Bechtel, July 16, 2014

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