Truths about mesothelioma

As we begin our next post of 2013, we want to revisit (and debunk) many of the myths associated with asbestos exposure and mesothelioma. We believe that by educating our readers, those suffering from undiagnosed cancer may take the time to get screened (and treated) before it becomes terminal.

As such, we highlight an article published by Michele Carbone, MD, PhD, a leading expert on mesothelioma, and some of the common misperceptions about the disease.

Asbestos regulation will reduce mesothelioma cases – While many asbestos uses were banned in the 1970’s people are still at risk to contract the disease. Buildings that were built prior to the ban still degrade and release toxic fibers into the environment. Common, yet new, diagnoses include first responders to the World Trade Center.

Only elderly men are at risk – Indeed, a majority of mesothelioma cases involve men in their 60’s and 70’s, but younger men and women are still susceptible to contracting the disease if they participate in heavy industrial jobs were asbestos was present (i.e. mining, ship building, auto repair). Also, people who worked in those industries may have exposed their children to these toxins.

Mesothelioma can also be caused by smoking – Smoking tobacco is not linked to mesothelioma. Instead, it is caused through past exposure to asbestos fibers. While other cancers can be directly attributable to smoking, mesothelioma is not one of them.

If you have additional questions about mesothelioma exposure and the legal responsibilities of employers who put employees at risk, we invite you to review our website.

Source:, Mesothelioma myths debunked, January 7, 2013

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