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Workers’ Compensation And Ohio Workers’ Exposure To Asbestos

Interpretations of Ohio workers’ compensation laws by the Ohio Supreme Court benefit workers and retired workers. This means that those who became sick due to exposure to asbestos fibers at work should be entitled to work comp benefits. And that’s not all. Workers who were later diagnosed with cancer are still able to seek compensation in personal injury lawsuits.

In a series of cases, the state’s high court has concluded that even retired workers – not just current workers – can file for permanent total disability reimbursement. The court also said that workers and retired workers who receive workers’ compensation benefits are still eligible for settlements in product liability cases.

Learn more about your rights to workers’ compensation benefits with our brochure.

Attorneys at Kelley Ferraro, LLC, seek fair compensation through the workers’ compensation system and the courts for injured or sick workers who have been denied the benefits that they are owed. If you believe you have not obtained justice during the administrative process before the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, we are ready, willing and able to take your case to court to have a jury decide the issues.

If you fear you have been exposed to asbestos in the workplace, contact us online or call us at 216.575.0777 to learn about your rights. You are under no obligation to hire us if you talk to one of our lawyers, and there is no fee for your consultation.

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