Evaluating the different types of asbestos

Asbestos has a few, defining features that are easy to identify with the visible eye. Most of the material consists of stiff, white, stringy fibers that come out of construction materials. Construction workers and property owners in Ohio have to identify the asbestos minerals that they are encouraged to avoid.

Identifying the classifications of asbestos

Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that mainly looks like thin, white, stringy fibers. The six main types of asbestos are amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite, tremolite and actinolite. The different types of minerals are distinguished by color, shape or texture.

Each type of mineral is classified as serpentine or amphibole. The serpentine type of asbestos consists of long, stringy fibers. The amphibole type consists of straight, stiff fibers that resemble needles.

Asbestos fibers are found in structural materials, such as wall and ceiling insulation materials, floor tiles and paints. Asbestos is further identified with a microscope to detect its fibrils.

Filing claims for workplace illnesses

Each asbestos fiber is composed of smaller particles called fibrils. When the fibers are abraded, the harmful microscopic particles are released into the air. Inhaling the particles causes the development of respiratory illnesses. The most common illness that develops from the inhalation of asbestos is mesothelioma. Each year, thousands of former and current workers file asbestos & mesothelioma claims to seek compensation from their employers.

Identifying a silent killer

Asbestos has to be identified to be avoided. The owners of older homes research what asbestos looks like to know if their homes contain it and whether or not they need removal services. People who have been exposed and developed illnesses have to file mesothelioma claims for compensatory damages.

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