Wife, daughter blame asbestos exposure for man’s death

The loss of a spouse is typically devastating, especially when outside influences — such as asbestos — played a major role in the cause of death. An out-of-state woman alongside her daughter filed suit over her husband’s death, alleging that it was caused by asbestos exposure. While employers in Ohio and across the rest of the United States are required by law to provide all necessary safety gear and training when workers absolutely must handle asbestos or be near it, these safety regulations are too often ignored.

Before developing lung cancer and other diseases that ultimately led to his death, the man worked at an Ameripol Synpol plant for 45 years. During that period of time, he was apparently continually exposed to asbestos dust and fibers, which are especially dangerous if inhaled. This exposure, his late family claims, was what caused his health to deteriorate.

According to the lawsuit, the company was well aware of asbestos’ negative health impacts. Workers at the plant were apparently exposed to asbestos for decades without the proper safety and protection gear, putting them at risk for developing the diseases that ultimately claimed at least one man’s life. His family claims that dangerous kind of exposure never should have occurred in the first place.

Changing policies and practices to protect workers’ health might be a rather large task, but that should never be an excuse or barrier to providing the safest environment possible for employees in Ohio. Asbestos exposure does not require a lifetime of being around the substance to cause significant health concerns, and even minimal exposure can lead to deadly diseases such as mesothelioma. Families who have lost a loved one to asbestos-related illnesses are typically left with the emotional and financial burdens that, while unpleasant, can typically be addressed by a successful claim against a company or employer deemed to have been negligent in the matter.

Source: setexasrecord.com, “Two women file asbestos suit against Michelin, Huntsman Petrochemical, Synpol“, Robbie Hargett, Oct. 7, 2015

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