Assisting Clients Nationwide

Mesothelioma Cases In Maryland

Mesothelioma is one of those very discouraging diagnoses that no one wants to receive from a doctor. If you have been suffering from symptoms of this disease without knowing why, the diagnosis may give some very welcome relief in the way of information. Knowing what lies ahead enables you to plan for it and face it. However, you and your family will need much more than words to move forward. You will need financial compensation for:

  • Medical treatments
  • Lost wage replacement
  • Pain and suffering
  • End-of-life costs

There is no known cure for mesothelioma. The only known cause of this disease is exposure to asbestos. If you are suffering from this disease in Maryland, our mesothelioma lawyers at Kelley Ferraro, LLC, can help you determine when and where you were likely exposed to asbestos. This knowledge will provide a foundation for a successful claim for compensation from liable parties, such as manufacturers and inspectors, who did not do what they should have done to protect you from known hazards of asbestos exposure.

We Offer Maryland Residents Help Through Our Nationwide Mesothelioma Litigation Practice

At Kelley Ferraro, LLC, we accept mesothelioma cases in Maryland and nationwide. Our attorneys have recovered over $1 billion for asbestos and mesothelioma clients throughout the United States. If we represent you, we will review your work history to determine whether you were exposed to asbestos while working in the computer and electronics industry, the food manufacturing industry, the chemical manufacturing industry, the food and tobacco processing industry, the plastics and rubber manufacturing industry or any other occupation with known risks of asbestos exposure in Maryland. You may have worked in a hospital, school or office building in Baltimore, Columbia, Germantown, Silver Spring or Waldorf that was built using asbestos-contaminated materials.

We are committed to helping mesothelioma patients in Maryland and elsewhere recover compensation by filing well-documented injury claims and lawsuits in a timely manner. The sooner you contact us, the more thoroughly we will be able to investigate your case.

For more information about asbestos, mesothelioma and types of help available to sufferers of mesothelioma in Maryland and elsewhere, see the following:

We also file wrongful death lawsuits on behalf of surviving family members of individuals who have already died of mesothelioma.

Contact Us To Consult With A Maryland Mesothelioma Attorney

Our plaintiffs’ law firm represents people injured on the job in Ohio, Maryland and other states, including:

We offer free initial in-person or phone consultations to mesothelioma victims in Maryland and nationwide. Please call our Cleveland office at 216.575.0777 or send an email to schedule a free consultation.

Practice Areas

$120 Million Settlement


$20 Million Verdict


$17 Million Verdict
